Apr 11, 2023
5 Warning Signs of Appendicitis

The appendix is a small pouch connected to the large intestine. It is a simple organ in the human body, but do you know what it does? Don't feel bad if you don't, because neither do medical experts. Despite its unknown function, it can cause health problems when it becomes inflamed. This inflamed condition is referred to as appendicitis. Over 15 million Americans every year have some kind of surgery, according to the American College of Surgeons. Many of those surgeries are emergency appendectomies. Read further for the early warning signs so that you can seek medical attention in time.

1. Abdominal Issues

The most obvious sign of appendicitis is abdominal pain. You'll initially feel discomfort around your upper abdomen or navel. Since your appendix is on the lower right, the pain will shift there. If you cough or take deep breaths, the pain may worsen until you have medical attention. In addition to or instead of extreme pain, you may experience swelling or tenderness in the area.

2. Fever

Look for signs of fever with the above abdominal issues. When you have a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, you have a fever. In this case, the fever will be on the low end.

3. No Appetite

Since the appendix is part of the intestinal area, don't be shocked if you lose your appetite. Even if you normally crave a juicy burger, pizza, or taco, your favorite foods may not have any effect on you at this time. You may also feel nauseous and have the urge to vomit.

4. Bowel Issues

You may notice extreme gas as appendicitis approaches. Even if you have regular bowel movements daily, you may begin to experience diarrhea or constipation.

5. Difficulty Urinating

In addition to bowel movement changes, urination may become difficult. Your bladder may never feel empty, no matter how much you urinate. It may feel harder to pass urine as well.

While the purpose of the appendix is still a mystery, its potential ability to harm your health is well known. If you have any of the above signs, don't hesitate to seek medical care. From bowel changes to difficulty urinating, to fever and appetite loss, your body has many ways to alert you about this medical issue. Contact Huston Community Surgical today for help.




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